Antique Southern Roses

Lady Banks' Rose
This abundant bloomer is a delicate and beautiful rose perfect for Eastertide. The tender, tiny roses bloom in white or yellow clusters and are perfect for your Easter dinner table, sideboard, or on bedside tables. The thornless stems make these fine little roses a lovely decoration for a child's Easter basket and are quite tasteful if worn to Easter services.
Southern Heritage
Lady Banks' is an heirloom rose that has been grown in the South since the early 1800's. It was introduced to the west by J.D. Park for the Horticultural Society of London.
A walk through any historic southern cemetery will acquaint you with this pretty rose. Southern women tend to the graves of departed loved ones their whole lives, and heirloom roses are always planted. Its semi-evergreen shrub remains beautiful long after its blooming season and will grow quite tall.
Planting Lady Banks' Roses
It is perfect planting season for the Lady Banks', as the cooler weather presents the lowest stress. Antique roses tolerate our southern heat and humidity well, as they are almost always impervious to blackspot.
Choose a planting area that gets at least six hours of full sun and is very well draining. Dig a hole that is twice the width and depth of the rootball. In the middle of the hole, create a "cone" of a soil mixture of 50/50 sharp sand and peat moss mix with a bit of organic fertilizer added. Place the plant into the cone and allow the root system to drape a bit over the cone. Hold the plant in place and add an improved soil mix until the roots are covered. Water well, and let it drain completely. Once drained, pat the soil down and finish filling the hole with soil. Pat down the surface again and cover with organic mulch.